Tubing Safety Information

Tubing and other activities that take place at ski areas in the summer involve the risk of injury. The information contained on this Safety page is intended to inform you of the risks, dangers and hazards that you may encounter at Rabbit Hill and help you to stay safe while enjoying these activities. Whether you are a participant in these activities or a parent or guardian of a minor participant, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Safety and Risk Awareness information on this page.

Exclusion of Liability

Assumption of Risk

The use of the premises and facilities and participation in activities at the area involves various risks, dangers and hazards.
It is a condition of your use of the premises and facilities and your participation in these activities that you assume all risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting from any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any duty of care on the part of the operator.

Your legal responsibility as a user of the premises and facilities or participant in activities at the ski area is explained in the following notice, which you will see posted at the area.

Tube Park Rules

Tube Park Rules

The Summer Tubing Rules

These rules are in place and are mandatory to follow for a safe and enjoyable Tube Park experience. If you have questions about any of these rules please ask a staff member.

  1. No entrance permitted to the park without a valid RFID loaded with a summer tubing lift ticket.
  2. Closed-toe footwear is MANDATORY for summer tubing.
  3. All participants must follow attendants instructions. Failure to do so will result in removal of your lift ticket without refund.
  4. Children under 3 years old are not permitted in the tube park.
  5. Children under 1.1 meters (42 inched) in height must have feet inside the tube. 
  6. Only one person per tube. Multiple tube trains may be allowed if conditions permit. This will be at the sole discretion of Rabbit Hill.
  7. All minor age children are responsibility of a parent or legal guardian at all times. Our staff will not be responsible for supervising/monitoring children’s activity. All parents, participants must realized and accept that there is no guarantee of personal safety.
  8. Unsafe conduct will result in your tubing ticket being removed from your RFID card without refund.
  9. Lane conditions vary with weather. Please be aware of conditions before purchasing tickets. No refunds will be given.
  10. Use of any sliding device other than the tubes provided by Rabbit Hill is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
  11. Rabbit Hill will not be responsible for personal injury, damage or wear to your clothing due to any cause whatsoever while you are engaged in tubing and/or any summer activity at Rabbit Hill.

Understanding Signage


When visiting a recreation area, the premise is not limited to the tubing lanes – many areas will have day lodges, parking lots, restaurants, tube areas,  walkways, access roads and other area facilities. You will come across signage throughout the premise that are important to respect and understand. Please pay close attention to all signage. It is present for the safety of both guests and employees. Failing to follow the directions on these signs may result in the loss of your ticket or pass. It is your responsibility to be aware of area signage at all times.

Marking, Flagging, Fencing

There are a number of different signs and markers to indicate conditions, boundaries and warnings on the area premise.

All poles, flags, fencing, signage and padding on equipment or objects or other forms of marking devices are used by the area to inform you of the presence or location of a potential obstacle or hazard. 

These markers are no guarantee of your safety and will not protect you from injury.  It is part of your responsibility under the Tube Park Rules to avoid all obstacles or hazards, including those that are so marked.  Move around the area with caution, unmarked objects and hazards may exist.

Closed Means Closed!
Closed runs

Entering closed runs and areas is strictly prohibited.  Runs are closed for several reasons: conditions, maintenance, staffing, or other events are taking place, or perhaps machinery is operating.  Observe and obey all posted signs and warnings. Ignoring these messages may put you at greater risk. Those who violate closures may lose tubing privileges and may be asked to leave the facility.

Closed Resort

When the area is closed, access to the area is strictly forbidden for your safety. 

There is NO RIVER ACCESS and our gates will be closed nightly 45 mins after our closing time. 

While closed the area is not patrolled and the area is not maintained for public use.  Hazards may not be marked, areas will not be controlled for conditions, and machinery may be working.

Area Boundary

Operational boundaries are marked with fencing and/or signage.

The terrain within the area boundary is patrolled and some hazards are marked. The area beyond the area boundary is neither controlled nor patrolled. Certain hazards exist on a ski area in the summer months; including snowmaking pipes and equipment, uneven terrain covered in grasses, streams and more.  A closure sign must be respected and obeyed. Breach of a closure could result in the loss of area privileges and other sanctions.

Lift Safety

Our guests will use our carpet lift to travel uphill at the tube park. Users should be familiar with the use of this lift for their own safety and the safety of others.

Loading lifts in the summer is much different than loading with your ski or snowboard equipment on in the winter.  See below for information on using ski area lifts in the summer.

1. Get Prepared and be Ready!
  • If carrying a backpack, remove it and put it in the lodge cubbies or lockers as backpacks are not allowed in our tubes. Infant front carriers and child backpack carriers are not permitted on the lift. 
  • If unfamiliar with a lifts operation, first watch others and learn, or ask for assistance.
  • Obey all posted instructions.
  • Secure loose items – make sure you don’t have anything that can catch on the carrier (carpet conveyor belt) like loose clothing and shoelaces.
  • Remove audio headsets while riding the lift.
  • To speed up everyone’s ride, group up before reaching the final cue.
  • When riding a lift with small children, help them load and unload.
2. Loading the Lift
  • Load and unload only at designated areas.
  • Be polite and courteous at the loading area.
  • In preparation to load, move up to the start of the conveyor on the carpet lift.
  • Much like riding an escalator, when you go to step on, step on quickly. Do not run or jump onto the lift.
  • Stay standing the entire ride. Never sit down. 
  • Only unload in the designated unloading area – do not get off the lift prior to the “Unload Here” sign.
  • If you fall, clear the track quickly.
3. Unloading the Lift
  • Make certain no loose clothing is caught in the lift before unloading.If you are carrying your tube lift it up just before you unload.
  • Be ready when you reach the "Unload Here" sign, and quickly move off of the carpet.
  • Move quickly away from the unloading area. If you happen to fall or leave something behind, clear out of the way as soon as you are able. The lift operators are able to assist you.

 Alpine Responsibility Code #10 also applies to summer usage of the Carpet Lift. “You must have sufficient physical dexterity, ability, and knowledge to safely load, ride, and unload lifts. If in doubt, ask the lift attendant.”

Know Before You Go


Being prepared is essential to having a safe and enjoyable day at Rabbit Hill.

  • Plan ahead for variations in weather. Dress appropriately, wearing layers. Breathable full coverage clothing is key for sun/heat protection. Closed-toe footwear provides important protection and is required when using the summer tube park.
  • Always wear sunscreen, and hats or sunglasses, even on cloudy days. 
  • In summer, be aware of heat exhaustion. Proper hydration and wearing moisture-wicking clothing will help keep heat exhaustion at bay.
  • Take note of the conditions and be aware of changing surface conditions. When the surface changes there is an increased risk for serious injury if you fall and slide. Traction on trails also varies depending on how dry or wet the trails are.
  • In the event of severe weather, we will sound a horn and make an announcement to clear the tube park

View our full weather policy

Be aware of your surroundings
  • Be mindful of where you stop while moving around the summer tube park. If someone in front of you is carrying a tube, please give them the right of way. Do not try to go around them on the trails or lifts.
  • Always clear the base of the tubing lane as quickly as possible and move to the side. 
Communicate your plan
  • Make a trip plan. Be sure someone knows where you have gone and when you expect to return.
  • Identify meeting points with your group in case you become separated. All group members should know where to meet should separation occur.
Emergencies & First Aid

You might not be able to anticipate an accident, but you can at least be prepared for one. 

Know who to contact in the case of an emergency.  During summer tubing, please reach out to your nearest staff member and they will ensure our first aid staff our notified of any injury or emergency. This includes but is not limited to physical injuries, sunburn, sunstroke, stings, allergic reactions etc. 

Don’t over do it

Be aware of fatigue, many visitors are on vacation and might not be conditioned to long active days. It is easy to not realize how tired you are when you are out having fun!

Stop for stacks/food to keep you fueled and stay hydrated, in all seasons.  Watch for weather-related illness (see weather information above).

No smoking

To protect our natural environment and create a welcoming guest atmosphere, smoking/vaping of any kind is prohibited at Rabbit Hill.  These policies are critical in summer wildfire prevention, reducing litter, and protecting wildlife. 

Watch for equipment

Heavy equipment and vehicles of all sizes (including but not limited to: ATV, UTV, side by sides) may be encountered during operating hours. Give these vehicles plenty of space.

Exclusion of Liability